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Welcome to Moline High!


Moline High School          ●       3600 Avenue of the Cities          ●       Moline, IL 61265          ●       (309)743-1624


Our mission is to prepare all students to become responsible, productive, global citizens by providing experiences that emphasize the development of skills in communication, technology, and critical thinking in a safe and caring environment. The following information should help you get started at MHS, but should you have additional questions, please give us a call!

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District Website <>

●     District Calendar with important dates for current and future planning                                                                  

●     School Board Policies & General District Information

●     Links to all Moline-Coal Valley Unit District #40 schools

MHS Website <>

●     Links to a variety of student tools, including scholarship/college search information, media center links for research, athletics & activities, daily student announcements, Skyward access, and much more.

●     Links to parent resources, including Skyward access, calendars, and staff contact information.

Skyward Family and Student Access

Skyward is the student data system used district wide. The student and the primary guardian identified in Skyward will automatically have access granted to Skyward, where parents and students can check grades, work completion, and attendance. We encourage both parents and students to access this information weekly and stay in communication with teachers as needed to improve academic success. Parents can also update some demographic information, add money to a student’s lunch account, and individualize notifications received through the “Skylert” system.

Parent Access: go to and click on “Family Access” under the “For Parents” tab. To retrieve your pre-assigned login and password, click “Forgot my login/password”. Your access information will be sent to the email address you provided at registration. Return to the login window and log in with your information provided in the email.

Student Access: Use the same login window – “Family Access”. Follow the student access pattern below.


Student Computer Access

Computer login and password follows the student access pattern below.

Student Access Pattern

All student access follows the pattern of the example below. It includes the last two digits of the student’s graduation year, letters from both the last and first names of the student, and the last four digits of the student’s MHS student ID number (printed on the student ID card).

Student Pattern                                            Student Access Example for student named Brian Griffin

Login: ##lastfir                                            Login: 23 grifbrick                                                                        Student: Brian Griffin

PASSWORDS: Students' passwords are randomly generated. Assistance with passwords can be resolved in B224 at the HelpDesk.

Student g-mail Accounts

Students throughout their course work at MHS will use G-mail and the accompanying features of google drive. Many teachers require students to create and share documents and presentations via this system, so familiarity is essential for school success. If you do not have a computer and/or internet access at home, school computers are available in the library and computer labs beginning at 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. each day with a hall pass in the morning. Public computers are also available for free use at the Moline Public Library. Student access follows the student access pattern.

Xello Accounts

All high school students have access to an online career and education research and planning tool, called Xello. The website is Students can save career searches, career inventories, college searches, community service hours and scholarship information on their own portfolio within this site.


The Moline-Coal Valley CUSD does not provide transportation for general education students. Many students walk, ride bikes, carpool, or take the city bus system to get to and from school each day.

Metrolink Bus Services

Using the Metrolink website tab entitled “Plan My Ride”, students can determine which routes to take at which time by simply typing in their home address and the address of the school.

Student Parking Privileges

Students who will be driving to school must purchase a parking pass for $20 at the MHS bookstore. A form (available at the bookstore counter) must be completed in order to purchase the parking pass, which includes both student and parent signatures, student driver’s license number, and vehicle/license plate information. The student parking lot is located to the west of the building, and is patrolled for safety and parking tag violations by the Moline Police Department.

Drop off & Pick Up

Student entrances are located in the center of the building on the north and south sides, and at the west student parking lot entrance. Students may enter the building as early as 7:30 a.m. on school days. Unless they have a hall pass to see a specific teacher or the library, students will be directed to wait in the cafeteria until 7:50 a.m., at which time they will be released to all floors. Students may eat breakfast in the cafeteria from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. (but may not miss class time).

For any pick-up drivers who wish to avoid the congestion of the drive surrounding the high school, we suggest arranging an off-campus meeting point, like Whitey’s parking lot, Walgreen’s parking lot, or near the tennis courts to the south of the building.



Students will meet with counselors periodically for information on acclimating to school, scheduling, personal issues, and future planning. The counselors are also typically the go-to people for any school-based questions parents and students may have throughout the year. Students may access counselors between class periods, with an e-pass from a classroom teacher, or by making an appointment for a specific time---------------------------------------------------------------------- the counseling center doors are always open!


Hall lockers are issued upon enrollment. If you are starting at the beginning of the school year, you will most likely receive your locker assignment and combination at the time of schedule distribution (printed on your schedule). Students keep the same locker for all 4 years, unless a problem arises. Locker locations are not changed for personal convenience, but if you do experience problems with your locker, please see the administrative assistant in the counseling center. Do not share lockers with friends, and do not share your combination with others. Keep your locker locked at all times.

All students in Physical Education will be issued a second, PE locker, located in the PE locker rooms. This is for storing PE clothing/shoes, etc., DURING PE CLASS ONLY and should also be locked at all times. No items should be left unlocked in the locker rooms. New this year, PE clothing and shoes may not be stored overnight or permanently in the PE lockers. If a student is a member of our band or orchestra program, a third locker will be issued in the music wing for instrument storage.

Student Schedules

Students will request courses for the current year at the time of enrollment, and also each winter for the subsequent year. Prior to course requests, students are provided with an updated course catalog (also available on the school website) and instructions on completing the process. It’s important for students to consider their future plans, course prerequisites, and work-load demand as they request courses, as once selected, there are very few changes allowed to the students’ schedules.

The school day for M, T, TH, and F runs from 8:10 – 3:00. Most Wednesdays are Early Release Wednesdays, where classes are shortened and all students are dismissed at 2:15 for teacher professional

development and coordinated instructional analysis time. Student planners and the school website both have information regarding the dates of exceptional schedule days, including the Early Release Days and Half Days.

Lunch periods for all students are based on the class location in the building during 4th period. Specific times for each lunch will be different on Wednesdays, and no lunch is served on half days or non-attendance days.

1st lunch

10:55 – 11:25

Classes in J-Wing (1st Floor, West Gym, and C-Wing

2nd lunch

11:05 – 11:35

Classes in B-Wing (2nd floor) E-wing (3rd floor) and D Wing

3rd lunch

11:15 – 11:45

Classes in J-wing (3rd floor)

4th lunch

11:25 – 11:55

Classes in B-wing (1st and 3rd floors)

5th lunch

11:35 – 12:05

Classes in J-wing (2nd floor) and E-wing (1st floor)

6th lunch

11:45 – 12:15

Classes in East Gym and E-Wing (2nd floor)



Moline-Coal Valley CUSD is engaging in a 1:1 device instructional plan called LEAD Moline. All students at MHS will have their own chromebook. Most teachers use these devices for day-to-day instruction, communication about due dates, assignments, and projects, class notes and instruction, and homework. Students are responsible for having chromebooks charged and ready to use for each class period. Any chromebook issues are handled by our educational technology department’s Help Desk, located in room B224.

Textbooks & the MHS Bookstore

Some courses continue to use print texts as part of their instructional practices, but many make the use of online textbooks and digital programs for instructional resources. Textbook fees cover the student use of both physical textbooks and digital resources. Individual teachers will issue to the student any texts used for classes toward the start of the semester. Students are responsible for keeping track of and returning the specific text issued originally. Although MHS does have a bookstore, located at the front of the building in B-wing first floor, the bookstore does not issue textbooks or chromebooks directly to students. Rather, the bookstore is where students will purchase yearbooks, parking passes, activity tickets, play and musical tickets, dance tickets, event

T-shirts, and various school supplies(if desired). The bookstore also re-prints any lost school IDs for a $5 fee.

Students may access the bookstore between class periods, during their designated lunch period, or before or after school. Parents will use the bookstore to settle school fees/fines, and purchase special event tickets, any time from 7:30-4:00 (excluding lunch from 12:30 p.m. – 1:10 p.m).

Medications at School

Students who will require medication to be taken during school hours must do so (even for over-the-counter meds) through the clinic, located to the west of the main entrance on B-wing first floor. Prescription medications require a physician signature on a form available in the clinic.


The best predictor of student success at high school is student attendance. Your student’s attendance goal should be to miss no more than 5 days in the entire school year. Our student data system, Skyward, will produce automated phone calls twice daily for any student who is absent and for whom we have not received a parental phone call. If a student is absent and unaccounted for by 10:00 a.m., an automated call will go out to the primary number listed in Skyward, plus any other number parents have requested through Skylert. Another automated call will go out at 4:00 p.m. for afternoon absenteeism. We prefer that parents contact our Attendance Office the day of or day prior to an absence, so that parents do not get unwarranted calls.

Occasionally, a student will arrive late to class and a teacher will forget to change the attendance code. Even though the parent may get an automated call, those errors are easily fixed by contacting the teacher directly.

Attendance for last names A-L                743-8811

Attendance for last names M-Z              743-8812

Final Exam Attendance Incentive

A student may elect to be exempt from taking a cumulative, written semester final exam* if he or she meets the following requirements AND has a cumulative course grade of A, B, or C:

1.  Student has no more than three (3) absences, as defined below, from the class. Absences may be

excused, unexcused, ISS, or OSS. These absences include any mental health days taken by a student during the school year.

2.  Student has no more than five (5) tardies per semester in the class.

3.  Student has no more than one (1) major referral from a classroom teacher.

Any student with a cumulative course grade of D or F will be required to take the final exam regardless of absence, tardy, or discipline status. More information and details about this policy can be found in the student handbook.


MHS uses a traditional grading scale for A, B, C, D, and F. Grades for individual classes are to be updated weekly (on Tuesday) by teachers, and we strongly encourage parents and students to stay abreast of grades and missing work in all classes. Report cards will be generated 4 times in the school year, and posted to Skyward accounts about a week following the dates below. Hard copies of report cards are only printed by written request. Only the Semester Grades (S1 and S2 in Skyward) are those that “count” toward a student’s GPA and class rank.

Quarter grades and progress report grades all function as checkpoints, but not final marks. Communication with teachers about grade marks, grading procedures, and expectations is always welcome. Please feel free to email or call any teacher, any time.

Quarter 1 end date – Friday, October 28

Quarter 2 (Semester 1) end date – Friday, January 27 Quarter 3 end date – Friday, March 31

Quarter 4 (Semester 2) end date – Friday, June 9