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Business, Technical, & Career

Welcome to the mhs business & technology department!


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Our MHS Business, Technical and Career programs offer coursework and pathways designed to promote college, workplace readiness and skill developing by offering a wide selection of elective classes. Business and Technology students have an opportunity to enter a variety of pathways such as Computer Science, Computer Technical Support, Accounting and Business/ Marketing. Additional unique opportunities exist in our Industrial Tech Department where students can enroll in Federally-registered Apprenticeship Programs in the areas of CNC Machining, Welding and Engineering. We also offer programs of study with internship opportunities that allow students to earn credit with on the job training work experiences. Our Family and Consumer Science offerings allow students to learn about Food Service, Parenting skills, Interior Design and more.   Each or our highly qualified instructors are passionate about providing opportunities for our students that will prepare them to enter the workforce and/or continue their education at the next level.